by GIG Logistics



GIGGO app provides users seamless shipment creation from the comfort of their homes and offices, eliminating the need to endlessly wait at pickup locations for their items to be dispatched. Once a request is made, the app locates a delivery partner nearest to the request and allocates the delivery request for pickup.GIGGO app allows you to track the delivery partner on his way to pick up your shipment, ship multiple items to the same location and monitor the status of each delivery.1. Seamless Shipment creation from the comfort of homes and offices2. Ship multiple items to same location3. Ability to track delivery partner on his way to pick up your shipment4. Track shipment progress after creation at anytime5. Complete wallet feature6. Fund wallet seamlessly7. View shipment history with status of each delivery8. View wallet transaction history9. Get quick information on cost of shipment from one location to another10. Quick access to last shipped address